Slice of Life:   Anything is Something...  #SOL21

Slice of Life: Anything is Something... #SOL21

I notice he hasn’t said much in the small group.  He commented and asked questions of his friends but didn’t contribute his thoughts or ideas.  I notice he has been writing the entire time.

A message pops up:  This Breakout room will be closing in 30 seconds.


I message the teacher.

Can K and I stay in the breakout room for a few minutes?  I want to check in with him.


As the group virtually heads back to the whole class lesson I begin,

Hey, K, I noticed you were doing a lot of writing during the small group.  Do you want to share your ideas with me?

No.  I was only drawing.  It not really anything.

Drawing is writing.  Anything is something.


I wait.


Slowly he turns the page.  I move my face as close to that small circle as I can.


Could you hold it closer to your camera?  There are details I cannot see.

He moves it closer.  I take in all that is there.  The profoundness of his text. 

Wow.  You captured so much.  Do you want to tell me about it or is a wordless text?

Right now, it feels wordless.  I don’t know how to put it into words.  I know I should be happy we are going back to school full time.  I know I should be excited to see my friends and be in my classroom.

He looks down and continues, It’s just, I know it’s weird, but I think I might miss this space. I am used to being at home.  I am used to my little sister and cat popping in class and eating lunch with my family.  I am worried about going back to school.  How will we start all over again?  Will it feel different?  There are parts of me that want to be in each place, so I drew myself kind of split up.  I know it’s been so long, but now if feels like it is all happening so fast. 

 A message pops up:  This Breakout room will be closing in 30 seconds.

Thank you for sharing with me.  Hey, your writing … it really is something.

This post was drafted using speech to text since I am slicing with broken arms this month.

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more Slice of Life stories.

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