
I am a literacy staff developer who is still a teacher at heart. I believe that effective instruction includes side-by-side teaching; analysis of student work; mutual trust; respect and a good dose of laughter. I provide professional development to infancy through elementary. I believe that my role in this work is to build internal expertise within the settings where I work; promote shared leadership; and create a culture of true collaboration and inquiry. My work is customized to meet the needs of each district, school, or setting. I do not sell a program or materials, I base my work on integrating the district’s curriculum with research-based practices. Here are some of the professional learning models and student support services I provide:

· Full/Half Day Workshops – Educators and caregivers work with me for a full day(s) outside of the classroom. Full-day workshops combine demonstration lessons, lectures, simulations, and hands-on learning activities to provide educators with a deep understanding of the subject matter.

· Classroom Demonstrations and In-Class Coaching - Classroom demonstrations and in-class coaching often work in collaboration with a full-day workshop. Each educator (or group of educators) teaches in his/her own classroom with me.  In-class coaching helps teachers transfer newly learned skills into their daily classroom practices.

· Study Groups – Small groups of educators meet with me several times over the course of the year. These groups work together to explore one aspect of literacy instruction. Study group sessions include mini-workshops, demonstration lessons, curriculum planning, and analysis of assessment data.

·Leadership Coaching – Literacy leaders and coaches meet with me to discuss methods of supporting adult learners, planning workshops, strategies for modeling lessons, and setting up coaching cycles.

· Bookroom and Classroom Library Design – From design to inventory, to purchasing, organizing, and using these books in the classroom, together we will make the most of what you have and get you what you need on a budget!

· Webinars and Virtual Learning Experiences: Virtual learning experiences are a great way to connect between in-person sessions or to study a topic in-depth over several sessions online.  These sessions may be designed to support learning across the year, a college course, or the implementation of a new curriculum or assessment. This is also a great option to support literacy leaders and coaches in planning action steps and internal staff development sessions.

Personalized Tutoring and College Essay Support: 30 + years experience customizing literacy and executive functioning support for K-6 grade students and college essay support for Juniors and Seniors.