Kid Tested ... Teacher Approved!  Slow, Slow Sloths by Bonnie Bader  #booklove #IMWAYR #mentortexts

Kid Tested ... Teacher Approved! Slow, Slow Sloths by Bonnie Bader #booklove #IMWAYR #mentortexts

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The best reviewers of a mentor texts are the consumers … kids! Here’s a mentor text kids love as readers and turn to when they want to elaborate and revise craft of their writing!

Here’s what kids noticed and used to lift the quality of their writing:

1) Make the pace of your writing match your topic:

“The author used 4 pages for 3 words because sloths are SO SLOW!”


2) Twin sentences to elaborate:


3) Rule of 3:


I love when books give you more bang for your buck — kids love it, it’s accessible AND a great mentor text for writing. This is a great text for K-2 readers and writers - add this one to your classroom library!! Kid tested … teacher approved!


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Why I Write? #NCTE #SOL19 #TWTBlog

Kid Tested ... Teacher Approved!  Great Read-Alouds for Your "How To" Unit of Study #PDLove #MentorTexts #booklove

Kid Tested ... Teacher Approved! Great Read-Alouds for Your "How To" Unit of Study #PDLove #MentorTexts #booklove