Kid Tested ... Teacher Approved!  Nonfiction Mentor Texts for K-2  #IMWAYR #mentortexts #booklove

Kid Tested ... Teacher Approved! Nonfiction Mentor Texts for K-2 #IMWAYR #mentortexts #booklove

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I am spending a lot of time exploring nonfiction in K-2 classrooms this month.  Here are two texts that are proving to be highly ENGAGING and perfect mentor texts!

It CAN’T Be True!  POO!


 Kids can’t stop laughing on the cover – the play with words is so much fun for them to study and think about.   The text structure is perfect for students studying informational and procedural.  It has great diagrams and features for students to try out in their own writing.  Here is one that grabbed students’ attention:


 This is one to add to your classroom library or bookroom.

Life-Sized Animal Poop


Now if your students have more questions about animal poop after reading It CAN’T Be True!  POO!, this is the book for them!  The introduction sets the reader up for exploration.  This is a great mentor for students thinking about having an introduction in their writing.  I love how the author sets the purpose and tone of the book in the introduction. 


Each animal’s poop is described on one page so it is very accessible for students to read and use as a mentor.  I can’t wait to see how students use the idea of showing exactly how big something is in the illustration and using comparative language to give the reader a clear image.  Wait until you see how the author shows Tyrannosaurus Rex’s poop!

Some of My Favorite Nonfiction (new and tried & true) Poetry Books #nf10for10

Some of My Favorite Nonfiction (new and tried & true) Poetry Books #nf10for10

Series to Add to 1st-3rd Classroom Libraries and Bookrooms #booklove #bookaday #IMWAYR

Series to Add to 1st-3rd Classroom Libraries and Bookrooms #booklove #bookaday #IMWAYR