Kid Tested ... Teacher Approved! A Trilogy Not to Miss #booklove #classroombookaday #IMWAYR

Kid Tested ... Teacher Approved! A Trilogy Not to Miss #booklove #classroombookaday #IMWAYR

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I loved this trilogy. I read them in one sitting the first time and this spring I let kids do the same in book clubs. I think this is a short series and one you will want to have in a complete set. Kids loved finding the characters in each book and making connections between the books. I watched them rereading certain pictures and the entire series. The pictures slow the readers down and the talkworthy question at the end of each book allows them to linger and explore ideas together. They are truly books best read and discussed with another reader.

I mostly used these texts with K-2 readers, but also used them to launch book clubs in grades 3-5. These books loosened up the discussion in grades 3-5 books clubs. These books encourage inquiry and making meaning together. The length also allows upper grade students to explore author purpose across three texts in a short period of time.

Give them a go … I would love to hear how your students respond to these texts!

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