Slice of Life: Some Phases of Life Might Be Good For the Environment #SOL20 #TWTBlog
We take a moment from the phone calls, emails, and news to eat lunch. I hear the mail come through the slot. I go to retrieve it when I finish eating. I sort through to find the bills and mail I need to respond to. My husband comes over to put his plate in the sink and looks over my shoulder at the bill that has grabbed my attention. He notices me laughing.
What’s so funny?
He takes a closer look.
I watch him, waiting for him to make the connection I am making. I see it click. We both break into laughter.
Who would have thought menopause could make us environmentally efficient?
Yup. I guess keeping the heat just above freezing every night has benefits.
We even beat the neighbors who made changes to their houses to be more efficient.
I start laughing again.
I think Greta Thunberg could add menopause to her video…
This is not in your head
Some of you are living in a phase of your life
That has dramatic heat fluctuation
Your body is on fire
You wake up sweating profusely in the middle of the night
But you can fix this
We can fix this
To sleep through the night we need to make change
To start, turn down the thermostat
But this will not be enough
We will need to also open the windows
Yes, even in the winter.
This will help you sleep through the night
This is also good for the environment
I will let my friend George explain …
I play with timing my words with her video and am truly cracking myself up. My husband shakes his head laughing.
It is only day three, I think to myself, this going to be an interesting month.
Thank you, Stacey, Beth, Betsy, Kathleen, Melanie, Lanny, Kelsey, Marina, Amy, and Therapi for hosting this weekly forum and the March Challenge. Check out the writers, readers, and teachers here.