Slice of Life:  Finding Connection Through My Reading Life #SOL20 #TWTBlog #IMWAYR

Slice of Life: Finding Connection Through My Reading Life #SOL20 #TWTBlog #IMWAYR

I have had trouble finding my way back to my typical reading life these past few weeks.  I have been reading the news.  I have been reading blog posts.  I have been reading responses to my blog posts.  These are all great ways to read – I honestly think I have been reading more now than ever.  But when my friend Donalyn Miller, put a call out for #bookaday challenge, I realized that I haven’t been reading books.  I realized I missed reading books with others.  So, I decided to change that!  Here’s what I am reading:

I have an early morning virtual #neighborhoodbookaday read aloud:


I have a kid virtual #neighborhoodbookaday book club:


I am going to host my book club’s next virtual meeting on Zoom:


I started a YA virtual book club with some family friends:


I realize that I can still connect with family, friends, and neighbors around books!  I am using Zoom and Padlet right now.  This is the perfect opportunity for kids to have agency and author their own reading life! Let’s think about how we get them connected to people they know and think about what they want to read together. They can recommend books to each other and even record a read-aloud for younger kids in their community.

What are you reading?  How are you connecting with others in your life through books?

Be Safe. Be Well.

Slice of Life:  Believing in Signs ... Thanks Mom  #SOL20 #TWTBlog

Slice of Life: Believing in Signs ... Thanks Mom #SOL20 #TWTBlog

Slice of Life: Week 3: Dear Parents, Caregivers, and Family   #SOL20 #TWTBlog

Slice of Life: Week 3: Dear Parents, Caregivers, and Family #SOL20 #TWTBlog