Slice of Life:  First Draft Thinking #SOL20 #BookLove #BetterTogether

Slice of Life: First Draft Thinking #SOL20 #BookLove #BetterTogether


I have been quiet for a few weeks.  I have been writing, writing furiously.  I have been drafting in my notebook.  A wise friend and co-collaborator, Fran McVeigh, suggested we use our notebooks to capture “first draft thinking” as we tried to make sense of the events happening in our world, our place within those events, and the work we need to do as white educators, neighbors, parents, friends, and community members.

First Draft Thinking

These three words have been a daily mantra since the last day I hit publish one month ago.  

I needed to hit pause on my voice to recenter, revise, and seek clarity.

I needed to study, discuss, learn, and grow.

I needed to channel my anger, my fragility, and my shame to act with purpose.

I have the privilege of time, space, and first draft thinking.

I must use that privilege to be an ally and to quiet my voice to create space for other voices.

I am grateful to my BIPOC colleagues who provided opportunities for me to prepare to take action.

 This week I am using Dictionary for a Better World to inspire some first draft thinking in my notebook.  This book was written to inspire readers to use their voice to work toward change, to make the world a better place.  If you don’ know this book … that is the first change you need to make.  Buy it now.  You will read it, reread it, study it, and use it every day as an educator.  It is a writing mentor and a mentor for how to live one’s life.  

Today, I chose one word from this book to inspire my reflection and first draft thinking in my notebook:

Try It: Write about a time when you tried something for the first time…

Try It: Write about a time when you tried something for the first time…

Try It: Write about a time when you tried something for the first time…

Try It: Write about a time when you tried something for the first time…


If you are seeking a community of readers who are committed to equity and social justice, join The Book Love Foundation’s Summer Book Club. Dictionary for a Better World is our first book and it is not too late to join us.

FB Live Promo (1).png

Thank you, Stacey, Beth, Betsy, Kathleen, Melanie, Lanny, Kelsey, Marina, Amy, and Therapi for hosting this weekly forum and the March Challenge — it feels good to be back! Check out the writers, readers, and teachers here. 

Layering Texts to Cultivate the Genius Within Our Students and Within Ourselves

Layering Texts to Cultivate the Genius Within Our Students and Within Ourselves

Slice of Life: Using Our Opinions to Make a Change #SOL20 #BetterTogether

Slice of Life: Using Our Opinions to Make a Change #SOL20 #BetterTogether