Slice of Life:  It's That Time of Year Again!  #SOL20 #OLW #TWTBlog

Slice of Life: It's That Time of Year Again! #SOL20 #OLW #TWTBlog


This is my seventh year choosing and living with a word for the year. So, what word will guide me this year?  This year of turning 50, celebrating 25 years of marriage, and entering into a new phase of children no longer living at home. So many milestones and changes ahead.  Last year, wonder was the perfect word for me. It slowed me down. It inspired me to learn, take risks, and enjoy the beauty of the world around me. Wonder propelled me into each day and filled me with energy and optimism. I noticed this word brought me joy and gratitude.

I realize this upcoming year is a time to appreciate the life I have created over the years. The hours of parenting, partnering and developing a fulfilling professional life. Many people have shared their sadness at this stage of life with me … even referring to it as the “empty nest” stage. The word empty seems so wrong to me. I don’t want to focus on what is no longer, I want to focus on what lies ahead. Although my house may have fewer people in it, I do not consider it empty. I want my word to remind me to slow down, appreciate, venture, and redefine. I want my word to remind me of all I have to be thankful for and to hold dear. Rather than seeing this next phase as empty, I choose to see it as full. So my one little word will be WONDERFUL(L)!


Happy New Year Everyone! Here’s to 2020!

Have You Read These Yet?  Nonfiction Books in Verse  #mentortexts #booklove

Have You Read These Yet? Nonfiction Books in Verse #mentortexts #booklove

Books That Will Inspire Your Students to Look Within and Make a Change in the World! #mentortexts #IMWAYR #booklove

Books That Will Inspire Your Students to Look Within and Make a Change in the World! #mentortexts #IMWAYR #booklove