Updates to the Virtual Bookroom .... Join Me on a Tour! #BookLove #BetterTogether (Copy)
Happy Friday Everyone!
I want to thank all the teachers, literacy leaders, and students across the country who have reached out to share with me all the creative ways they are using the virtual bookroom. I love hearing your stories and appreciate the virtual book baskets you have been sending me. I am truly overwhelmed by the energy around this project.
There has been a TON of books added to the virtual bookroom over the past two weeks. Some teachers have invited me to talk with their students and I have had so much fun doing bookroom tours with them. Once we show kids what we have, they can choose what they want to read or make a request. Taking students on a bookroom tour is really easy and they LOVE it. if you have five minutes … I’ll take you on one now. Come on in… I’ll show you what’s new!
If you have questions about the virtual bookroom, the virtual classroom library and how to access them - please see the blog posts and videos on my homepage: https://www.clarelandrigan.com/
Thank you for joining me in spreading digital booklove!