Slice of Life: This is a Year They Will Always Remember ... #SOL20 #TWTBlog

Slice of Life: This is a Year They Will Always Remember ... #SOL20 #TWTBlog

Last week I was reading I Wish You More by Amy Krouse Rosenthal with my virtual #neighborhoodbookday read-aloud group. As we neared the end of the book, we stopped to discuss what they thought this book was about. What was Amy’s message to her readers?  One reader’s response caused me to pause, to think, to reread, and to consider.  She said, “It is about hoping someone understands to appreciate what matters.  The things that matter should be what is important and she is wishing them more moments of knowing what matters in life.”

This is really what it all boils down to, isn’t it?  What truly matters in life. When I think back on my elementary school years, I remember my teachers.  I remember:

Sister Pauline – she delayed the play when I had the chickenpox.

Mrs. Abbott -she gave out Cool Whip pens when she noticed kindness.

Sister Joanne – she read every story I ever wrote (even the ones I wrote at home).

Mrs. K – she introduced me to Anne of Green Gables.

Mrs. Eliott – she planned a fraction party to celebrate new learning.

When I think back to my elementary years, I remember my teachers.  I remember small moments and slices of life with them.  I remember my interactions with them. As I remember, I realize what my teachers truly taught me. I understand what endures.  I know what matters.  Each of these memories stays with me because of how it made me feel.  One teacher, one child, one moment  – this is what truly matters.

It is no doubt that every student will remember this year and how their teacher connected with them even at a distance. Thank you to all the teachers I have the privilege to learn with every day and those of you I’ve had the honor of getting to know these past two months. You inspire me, humble me, and truly overwhelm me with your dedication to children and learning.  Thank YOU!

Week 9:  Living a More Humanizing Life  #BetterTogether

Week 9: Living a More Humanizing Life #BetterTogether

It's Monday!  Series Hook Readers -- Check Out All the Series in the Virtual Bookroom #IMWAYR #Booklove #bookaday

It's Monday! Series Hook Readers -- Check Out All the Series in the Virtual Bookroom #IMWAYR #Booklove #bookaday