Slice of Life: Day 11 - A Graphic Encounter #SOL22 #TWTBlog
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
I hear the words but assume they are not for me. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn expecting to see the flight attendant.
It is the passenger in my row, one person over. I motion to ask, Me?
Yes. What are you doing?
The passenger between us looks up, shrugs at me, and returns to reading.
I’m reading.
What is that? I’ve been watching you. It is fascinating.
I’m not reading a digital book so I’m still confused
You mean this? I ask holding up my book.
Yes. It looks like a comic strip in a book.
Now I understand.
This is a graphic novel.
Is that a thing?
Yes, a big thing. Lots of books are written that way.
I go back to reading, aware she is still watching me.
I finish the book, lingering on the last page, rereading the author’s page. I feel a tap on my shoulder.
It was so interesting to watch you read it. You went back and forth a lot. You spent more time on some pictures – I watched you as you took in each picture on the page. I’ve never read anything like that in my life. I think my grandchildren would like those.
I bet they would like them. How old are they?
Ten, twelve, and eight.
I bet they have read one before.
I hope so – they don’t really like to read. I think this would make them like reading. I have just never read anything like it.
My inner voice starts – disengage, disengage … I ignore myself.
Would you like to read it?
Really? You would let me?
The passenger between us is not showing any interest or appreciation in our exchange. I carefully reach over him and hand her the book.
I am not surprised by the tap on my shoulder this time. She hands me the book, tears streaming down her face.
This is not what I expected. Comics in the newspaper are the funnies. This was so powerful and moving. I learned so much and I want to know more. I wrote it down so I can find out more. I want to get some of these books for my grandkids.
Do you have a local library?
Your librarian will be a great resource for you. In the meantime, I wrote down a few of my favorite titles for your grandkids.
I hand her the list I created.
Thank you.
As I put the book back in my bag I feel a tap on my shoulder.
Well, now I have to read it.
I hand him the book.
Thank you, Betsy, Beth, Deb, Kathleen, Lanny, Melanie, and Stacey for this weekly forum. Check out the writers, readers, and teachers here.