Slice of Life: Remembering a Time When ... #SOL20 #TWTBlog

Slice of Life: Remembering a Time When ... #SOL20 #TWTBlog

We need to empty the car so you need to play with Ryan.

Play what?

I don’t know. He is in his bouncy chair. Why don’t you read to him?

Can you open the cabinet?


I want to get a book.


I put down the suitcase to open the cabinet for him.

Can I use this book?

Sure. Sure. Any book is fine.

I reply without even glancing in his direction.


We finished emptying the car, started the laundry and even began to do some yard work.

Where are the boys? Chris asks.

They are playing. I asked Jack to play with Ryan.

It has been really quiet.

Come to think of it, it has been really quiet… for a really long time.

We make our way inside to find them. We hear Ryan shrieking with laughter and Jack making all kinds of noises. We turn the corner to see Ryan covered from head to toe with stickers! Playing and reading may have been confused a bit but, to this day, we cannot return home from a vacation without retelling the story of the stickers!

Last week I shared a post about using photos as a way for parents to story-tell, story play, and write with their kids during the pandemic. I decided to take my own advice and slice about the photos I shared:

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 It feels like there is not a lot of new things to talk about at dinner these days, using pictures to tell the story of a time when … is a lot of fun!

Week 8: Helping Your Kids Develop a Habit That Just Might Change Their Lives #BetterTogether

Week 8: Helping Your Kids Develop a Habit That Just Might Change Their Lives #BetterTogether

It's Monday!  See The Digital Bin Kids Created for the Virtual Bookroom!  #IMWAYR #BookLove #BetterTogether

It's Monday! See The Digital Bin Kids Created for the Virtual Bookroom! #IMWAYR #BookLove #BetterTogether