Slice of Life:  Sounds Good To Me #SOL20 #TWTBlog

Slice of Life: Sounds Good To Me #SOL20 #TWTBlog

There is something wrong with your speaker.

What do you mean?

The book doesn’t sound right.

I think it does.

No, the voice doesn’t sound the same as it does in my car.

He takes my phone.  He unplugs it from the USB and plugs it in again.  It sounds the same.  He turns off the sound system.  He unplugs, re-plugs and turns it on again.  It sounds the same.  I continue driving as he fiddles with it determined to figure out why it doesn’t sound right to him.  I think it sounds fine.

Finally, he plugs his phone into the USB and plays the audiobook.  He looks at me to see if I can hear the difference.

There.  Can you hear the difference?

Oh. I know what it is.  I put mine at 1.5 speed.

What do you mean?

In the settings, you can choose the narration speed.  I like to listen to the narration at either 1.25 or 1.5.

 He is now back to fiddling with the phone to see if you can figure out what I am talking about.

You mean you choose to listen to it at a faster speed.


Why would you do that?  The voice sounds weird. 

I think it sounds better.

You don’t think it sounds too fast.  It is almost stressful.

No.  I think it sounds perfect.  I actually think it is more relaxing.


Long pause.


I decide to break the silence.

We can listen to it at 1.0 narration speed if you want.  It is fine.

It’s not that.

What is it?

So many things were just cleared up by knowing that you prefer what the rest of the world considers normal to happen at 1.5 speed.

Sometimes I prefer 1.25.

Thank you, Stacey, Beth, Betsy, Kathleen, Melanie, Lanny, Kelsey, Marina, Amy, and Therapi for hosting this weekly forum and the March Challenge. Check out the writers, readers, and teachers here. 

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