It's Monday! #Neighborhoodbookaday Read Aloud is in Full Swing! #IMWAYR #bookaday
Publishers gave us a gift when they adapted the Fair Use Laws to allow us to read aloud books in private groups without recording. There is NOTHING better than reading with some kids in your life and right now it feels simply perfect to come together through story with some young friends. I am going to read a book or two a day anyway … why not read them aloud!
Here’s what we read last week:
Kids said, “One Mean Ant has a good lesson in it …and The Bear Must Go On is LOL with a surprise ending!”
Kids said, “The Box Turtle reminded them of A House for Hermit Crab and is really about being happy with yourself. They loved chanting along with Three Billy Goats Buenos and were surprised to make a connection with One Mean Ant (characters are grumpy for the same reason!)” Great conversation about point of view and understanding one another’s feelings.
We were a bit worried for Kaia and cheered at the end! Both of these books got us talking about facing your fears and the fact that it is okay to choose NOT to face your fears sometimes. Kids LOVED the illustrations in Don’t Worry, Little Crab - the colors are amazing!
If you have some small friends in your life, I HIGHLY recommend organizing a daily read aloud. It will brighten your day and it is great for them to also get to see each other and interact through story.
Stay home AND spread book love!